Canadian Pacific Steamship Company Poster and Ad Collection

Canadian Pacific Steamship Company Poster and Ad Collection: CP Ships was a large Canadian shipping company established in the 19th century. From the late 1880s until after World War II, the company was Canada's largest operator of Atlantic and Pacific steamships. (Wikipedia)

Canadian Pacific Steamship Company Poster and Ad Collection:

1920's Ads and Posters:

1929 Britishers! Bring Your Families To Canada. Canadian Pacific Steamships

1940's Ads and Posters:

1947 Canadian Pacific Points The Way ... To Happy Vacations 1947 'Got a Date with a Canadian Pacific Vacation' 1947 The Way Of An Empress. Canadian Pacific 1949 For a world of Canadian Pacific 1949 It's a world of service when you go Canadian Pacific

1950's Ads and Posters:

1950 Service every mile...comfort every minute when you go-and-stop- Canadian Pacific 1950 Service round the globe - comfort round the clock when you go-and-stop- Canadian Pacific 1952 12 vacation treats, White Empress style to Europe go Canadian Pacific for service! 1953 Sightsee the St. Lawrence sailing to Europe. Canadian Pacific

Some interesting Canadian Pacific Steamship Company related links:

Wikipedia article about CP Ships

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